Unlock therapy practice management solutions for Headway providers

Unlock therapy practice management solutions for Headway providers
Exclusive for Headway providers
Fast track your patient appointments on Headway
Headway and Kiwi Health partner to empower mental health providers and therapists with exclusive marketing capabilities. This innovative partnership aims to enhance providers' online discoverability, grow reviews and ratings, streamline patient interactions, and drive practice growth.
Fast track your patient appointments on Headway

Unlock the benefits of the Kiwi Health and Headway partnership

Enhanced online visibility
Get your practice listed on more than 50 popular healthcare directories from a single profile, such as Google, WebMD, Psychology Today, Apple Maps, and more, to gain discoverability online.
Boost your online reputation
Grow your reviews and ratings to build long-term professional reputation with automated review collection and AI-assisted responses to patient feedback.
AI-powered prospect replies
Automate your responses to potential patient inquiries with our AI-powered system, freeing up your time and enabling you to focus more on patient care.
Practice Front with local search engine optimization
Enhance your local presence with a professionally built website tailored for your practice. Our local SEO optimization helping your practice stand out in local searches and attract more patients.
Business phone line for privacy
Get a Kiwi phone number to display on your profiles, filtering out spam and pharmaceutical sales rep calls. Genuine prospects are redirected to your preferred number, ensuring privacy and convenience.
Simplified profile management
Create a single account/profile with UniProfile and get listed across multiple platforms effortlessly. You'll value the ease of not managing log-ins and passwords across various marketing channels.
Affordable subscription plans
Enjoy flexible and affordable quarterly, semi-annual, and yearly plans with special discounts exclusively for Headway providers.
24/7 support & onboarding
Our supportive team is available 24/7 to assist with any questions, ensuring a seamless transition with the help of an onboarding specialist.
Easy switch to Kiwi Health’s EHR today!

Exclusive for Headway providers

Join the Kiwi Health & Headway partnership today!

Sign up now to boost your professional visibility, enhance your online reputation, and secure your Headway appointments. Unlock the full potential of your practice with innovative marketing solutions and dedicated support.

Explore the unique benefits of the Kiwi Health and Headway partnership

Explore the key features and support services that will help you successfully obtain patient appointments on Headway.
Improve your online visibility with channel listings
Get your practice listed on over 50 popular healthcare directories from a single profile, including WebMD, Psychology Today, Healthgrades, and general business listing sites like Yelp and Google. Being found on these listings expands your online presence, bolsters your reputation, enhances your practice’s SEO, and attracts new patients.
Improve your online visibility with channel listings
Boost your online reputation to increase trust
Our platform simplifies the process of enhancing and automatically managing your online reputation. It collects positive reviews and allows you to manage reviews from all channels in one place, making it easy and convenient to monitor and respond to feedback.
Boost your online reputation to increase trust
AI-powered prospect replies revolutionize your practice
Automate future patient prospect inquiries with our AI-powered prospect reply system. Our AI handles all prospect communications, helping convert inquiries into scheduled appointments on your Headway links. Free up your time and focus more on patient care.
AI-powered prospect replies revolutionize your practice
Easy-to-use medical website builder Practice Front with local SEO
Enhance your local presence with a professional website tailored for your practice. Our medical SEO boosts your search engine visibility, while the website builder helps you create a captivating online presence, attracting more patients.
Easy-to-use medical website builder Practice Front with local SEO
24/7 professional team support and onboarding training service
We offer 24/7 professional team support to address any questions or concerns you may have. With the help of our onboarding specialist, you can smoothly transition and make the most of our services. We are here to support you every step of the way.
24/7 professional team support and onboarding training service

What providers are saying about Kiwi Health

Discover what healthcare providers have to say about their experience with Kiwi Health's solutions.
Exclusive for Headway providers
Get started with Kiwi Health & Headway today!
Embark on a journey towards enhanced healthcare efficiency and superior patient care with our exclusive partnership. Join Kiwi Health now, streamlined solutions designed to elevate your practice’s success.
Get started with Kiwi Health & Headway today!