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Best SEO Strategies for Medical Websites in 2023

Best SEO Strategies for Medical Websites in 2023

By Kiwi Health

Published: Sep 28, 2023

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In the vast digital landscape of healthcare, where information can be a matter of life and death, the power of visibility cannot be underestimated. 

Imagine having the key to unlock the doors of online prominence for your medical website. With SEO, you can accomplish this task and see fruitful results.

However, because of slow outcomes, many businesses feel lukewarm about investing in SEO. SEO indeed has long-term benefits when used effectively.

So, how can you ensure you get the most out of medical website SEO?

In this journey, we’ll dissect the secrets to climbing the search rankings and improving patient trust and engagement. Join us as we explore the vital strategies that will help your medical website thrive in the ever-evolving online world of health and wellness.

Why is Medical SEO Important for Healthcare Professionals?

Healthcare SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial for medical professionals for several compelling reasons:

Increased Visibility

In today’s digital age, people turn to search engine results on Google for health-related information. By optimizing your online presence as a healthcare business, you can ensure that your services and expertise are easily discoverable. This increased visibility can lead to more patients finding your practice or healthcare facility.

Trust and Credibility

A strong online presence, backed by high search engine rankings, can enhance your reputation as a trustworthy healthcare provider. Patients often associate higher search rankings with authority and expertise, which can make them more likely to choose your medical services over competitors.

Targeted Traffic

SEO lets you target specific keywords and phrases relevant to your medical practice or specialty. This means that the people who find your medical practice website through search engines are more likely to be interested in your services, resulting in higher-quality traffic and potentially more conversions.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to traditional forms of advertising, SEO can be a cost-effective marketing strategy for healthcare professionals. Once your site ranks well for relevant keywords, you can attract organic traffic without ongoing advertising costs.

Patient Education

Many patients seek health information online before making decisions about their healthcare. By creating informative and authoritative content on your website, you can educate potential patients about their conditions and treatments, positioning yourself as a valuable resource.

Competitive Advantage

In the healthcare industry, competition can be fierce. SEO can provide you a competitive edge by helping you stand out in search results, especially if your competitors need to optimize their online presence.

Local Search Optimization

For healthcare professionals operating in specific geographic areas, local SEO is crucial. It helps you target local patients actively seeking healthcare services, such as “family doctor near me” or “dentist in [city].”

Adapting to Changing Consumer Behavior

As more people turn to the internet to find healthcare information and providers, adapting to this changing consumer behavior is essential. Healthcare professionals who invest in SEO are better positioned to meet the needs of modern patients.

Top SEO Strategies for Your Medical Website

Optimizing a medical website for search engines requires a combination of technical, content-related, and user-experience strategies. Here are some top SEO strategies for your medical website:

Keyword Research

Start by identifying relevant keywords and/or phrases that potential patients might use to search for healthcare services in your area. Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find valuable keywords with a good search volume and low competition.

Example: If you’re a dermatologist in New York City, research keywords like “therapist NYC” or “mental health clinic New York”.

Mobile Optimization

With the rise in smartphone users worldwide, a mobile-optimized website is now a given.

Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. Google considers mobile compatibility when ranking sites. 

Example: Use a responsive website design that adjusts its layout and content to different types of screen sizes and orientations. When potential clients want to open your site on their mobiles, all the content can remain intact and not cause any sort of confusion, making the visitors bounce off your page.

High-Quality Content

Create informative, accurate, and well-researched content that addresses common health concerns and questions. Blog posts, articles, and educational resources can establish you as an authority in your field and attract organic traffic.

Example: Publish blog posts on skincare tips, such as “How to Know the Signs of Anxiety” or “Understanding the Different Types of Personality Disorders.”

Local SEO

Local SEO is highly crucial if you’re trying to make a name for yourself in your area. There’s no better way to get the word out on the digital realm than opting for this strategy.

Example: To start with local SEO, fill out your Google My Business profile with your practice’s accurate name, address, and phone number, and add high-quality images of your clinic.

On-Page SEO

Optimize individual pages of your site by including target keywords in titles, headers, and meta descriptions. Use descriptive alt tags for images, and ensure your URLs are clean and relevant.

Example: Use descriptive titles like “Comprehensive Therapy Services in Miami” and include relevant keywords in your page content.

Site Speed

A fast-loading website is important for user experience and SEO. Compress images, enable browser caching, and consider using Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to improve page load times.

Example: Compress large medical images and use CDNs to deliver content faster to users, particularly those accessing your site from different locations.

Schema Markup

Implement schema markup to give search engines structured data about your practice, such as reviews, services, and contact information. This can enhance your website’s appearance in search results.

Example: Add schema markup to your “Contact Us” page to display your clinic’s name, address, phone number, and hours of operation in search results.


Build high-quality backlinks from reputable healthcare websites and local directories. Guest posting on healthcare-related blogs and getting mentions from authoritative sources can boost your site’s authority.

Example: Collaborate with a local health blogger to create an informative article about “Healthy Habits for Heart Health,” linking back to your cardiology practice’s website.

User Experience (UX)

Prioritize user experience by ensuring easy navigation, clear calls to action, and a user-friendly design. A positive UX can decrease bounce rates and improve rankings.

Example: Make it easy for patients to book appointments online by placing a prominent “Schedule an Appointment” button on your homepage.

Secure and Accessible Website

Use HTTPS to secure your website, which provides security and is favored by search engines. Make sure your site is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

Example: Conduct regular accessibility audits to ensure your website complies with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

Regular Updates

Keep your site updated with fresh content, including blog posts and news updates. Regularly review and update older content to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Example: Publish monthly blog posts discussing recent advancements in your medical specialty or seasonal health tips.

Social Media Integration 

Use social media platforms to share your content and engage with your clients. Social signals can indirectly impact SEO.

Example: Share informative articles and health tips on your clinic’s Facebook and Twitter pages, encouraging followers to visit your website for more information.

Monitor Performance

Utilize tools to track your website’s performance, monitor keyword rankings, and identify areas for improvement.

Example: Regularly review Google Analytics reports to identify which pages are most popular and which keywords drive traffic to your site.

Online Reviews

Encourage satisfied patients to leave some reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Healthgrades. Positive reviews can influence your online reputation and local search rankings.

Example: After a successful appointment, send a follow-up email thanking the patient and providing links to leave reviews on relevant review sites.

Local Content

Create content that caters to local interests and concerns. This can include community events, healthcare news specific to your region, and profiles of your staff members.

Example: Write a blog post about “Common Stress Triggers in LA” or sponsor a local health fair and share information on your website.

Adopt SEO Strategies and See Your Site Rank Higher

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital healthcare, optimizing your medical website for search engines is not just a strategy—it’s a necessity. 

We’ve explored a comprehensive array of SEO strategies, from keyword research to image optimization, all designed to elevate your online presence and ultimately attract more patients to your practice.

However, the journey to SEO excellence can be complex, and that’s where Kiwi Health comes into play. At Kiwi Health, we specialize in the art of hyper-local SEO, the very strategy that can set you apart in the competitive healthcare industry. 

With our help, you can unlock the full potential of your medical website. We’ll ensure that your practice shines brightly in local search results, capturing the attention of patients in your area.

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